VR Content Launcher Home Screen


February 22, 2024|6 min read

SpringboardVR Feature Spotlight


Our VR content launcher is NOT one size fits all.

No VR center is the same. Each VR Arcade or VR Lab was designed by different people, with different models, for different purposes. When building our VR content management and licensing solution, we were sure it allowed VR Operators to quickly customize the launcher to fit their operation. If they want to change something, it’s simply a toggle switch within our Operator Panel to automatically make the change in the launcher.

For this Feature Spotlight, we are going to focus on the Game List Panel inside the launcher, denoted in the image below:



We have made this panel so that VR Operators, no matter what their needs, can successfully filter the content they want shown in their VR library.

There are 4 filter Categories that VR Operators mix and match to determine what best fits their location


Most popular games currently at your location (pulled from the SpringboardVR algorithm)

The newest games you’ve enabled at your location (pulled from the SpringboardVR algorithm)

Easy, Medium and Hard categories will be displayed with games segmented and sorted by difficulty on your home screen. You get to control the order of content with each difficulty.

You get to create as many genres as you like including the order in which they will be displayed!

We’ve provided a few examples based on how we recommend sorting VR content, but certainly encourage VR Operators to play around with it!


Trending & Difficulty ON
Showcases the most trending titles followed by the Easy, Medium, then Hard selections.

Most Popular Recommendation


Toggle ALL OFF
Showcases entire list of content ordered via the Operator Panel with no category titles

Recommend if the VR Center has a smaller selection of content (8-10 titles)


Only Difficulty ON
Clearly show EASY, MEDIUM, then HARD within single view. Content ordered via Operator Panel

Recommended if VR Center wants to direct players to certain difficulty categories––for example: “only select from the top row.”


Only Genres ON
Clearly segment titles created with genres, and control the order of of titles

Recommended if the operator needs full control of segmentation and ordering


NOTE: The Launcher settings is at our “experience” level which means you could have 10 total stations but two experiences with 5 stations each. One experience could be “Basic” where you would like your game home screen to be displayed differently than your “Premium” experience. Each “experience type” can have it’s own configuration.

If you’re already using SpringboardVR, and would like to learn more about our title menu functionality, you can always reference Knowledgebase for more details!

If you’re thinking about opening a VR Center, or already have and need some help, feel free to sign-up for a Free Trial.

Until next time,
The SpringboardVR Team