Equipment Needed to Operate a VR Arcade


February 22, 2024|10 min read

Running an efficient Virtual Reality Arcade takes work. VR Arcade owners wear many hats, and must be constantly optimizing, trouble-shooting, and innovating to ensure their VR Arcade is a success.

With these responsibilities comes an immense amount of decision-making. Some decisions are easy — most decisions, though, are difficult. A VR Arcade owner is going to do what they think is best for their arcade, but ‘determining what is best’ is much easier said than done.

One of the most prominent dilemmas VR Arcade owners face is tethering the line between staying cutting edge and staying lean.

This problem clearly manifests itself when discussing the equipment needed to effectively & efficiently run a successful VR Arcade. Sure, you need the computer, headset, and controllers––but that’s just the tip of the iceberg. To better help VR Arcade owners, we’ve compiled a quick checklist to refer to when deciding to open a Virtual Reality Arcade.

1. VR Headsets––Best Options

HTC Vive Headset


Some great games to check out:


Oculus Rift Headset


Some great games to check out:


2. Computer

Depending on the headset, the computer needs to meet the recommended specifications, which we’ve provided below:


Recommended Computer Specs


Oculus Approved Computers

3. VR Controllers

Both Vive and Oculus provide 2 controllers with the purchase of their headsets, along with a few other items. Additional controllers can be purchased separately. Check out the full package options for both below:


Vive Kit


Rift + Touch

4. Headphones

As discussed in our blog Presence & Immersion in VR Arcades, the success of a VR Arcade relies heavily, if not wholly, on the customers’ experience.

The more one can stimulate and preoccupy all five senses within the virtual environment, the less they sense the real world around them.

Providing headphones in your VR Arcade makes for an immersive and enjoyable experience, increasing the likelihood that the customer stays in the headset for a longer period time.

5. Headset/Controller Covers

Your VR Arcade equipment will be played & used extensively––by a multitude of different people. For this reason it is important to protect the equipment as best as possible. Covers are the easiest, most cost-effective way to provide added-durability for your VR Arcade hardware.


6. Charging & Docking Stations

Little things (like charging & docking stations) are easy to overlook. Be sure your VR Arcade has access to enough outlets to charge your controllers.

If possible, it is a good idea to have the capability to charge the controllers in the same space as the game station.

Your headset and controllers need a place to be stored when not in use. Creating a docking station for your headsets, controllers, and cleaning equipment can be immensely helpful in keeping things tidy in your VR Arcade’s game stations.

Tip: A built-in shelf or drawer equipped with organizers works great!

7. Cleaning Equipment

Hygiene in VR Arcades is of the utmost importance.

While the games and experiences can be unbelievable to customers, a dirty headset, sticky controller, or smudged screen has the potential to ruin their impression and experience. A negative impression and/or experience has the has the potential to completely detour customers.

Basic Cleaning Supplies to be Considered

  • Clorox wipes and glass cleaning wipes are a great place to start for basic cleaning supplies.
  • Dedicated dusters for both the floor and the computers should also be considered for your VR Arcade.

8. Additional Peripherals

For VR Arcade owners that really want to expand the VR experience, there are a number of great peripherals to enhance gameplay and create a better environment for immersion. We’ve included a few notable peripherals below:

1. TPCast wireless adapter for Vive

Coming soon!

2. Vive Deluxe Audio Strap

Check it out here

3. Virtuix Omni

Check it out here

4. VirZoom

Check it out here


9. Cable Management Tools

HDMI cables, pulley systems, extension cords… the list goes on and on.

With every cable installed within your VR Arcade, it is highly recommended to have a strategic plan on where those cables will be stored and/or hidden.

Needing Some More Advice?

VRFactory is a great resource to answer your VR Arcade equipment questions, as well as provide you with the right equipment for your VR Arcade!


VR Factory Website


Deciding what equipment to implement into a VR Arcade is no small task. With every piece of added hardware, VR Arcade owners must ask themselves if the monetary risk is worth the potential long-term reward.

If you’re a VR Arcade owner who is facing these same challenges, and tethering the line of cutting edge and staying lean — just remember, the customer experience should be a prominent and significant deciding factor in every equipment decision you make.